An Ceardlann Ceilteach
(The Celtic Workshop)
Copyright by Searles O'Dubhain
These files may be downloaded by individuals for their own private
viewing. No other duplication or use is implied, given or granted. All other rights are
reserved and retained by the author.

At one time, I gave over fifty separate workshops on a variety of matters of interest
to Celts, Druids and Witches. I have included the best of those workshops here along with
the material that I used to produce them. I am uploading and publishing the workshop here
on my homepage, as time allows. The going is slow. Please bear with the slowness of my
typing and equipment. I apologize for the fact that many of the topics below are not yet
linked (they are ALL written already). They are offered here strictly for your own
personal use and *not* for redistribution. I am currently crafting several books based
upon this and other materials. Among these books are: A Dictionary for Druids (based upon
the Ogham), a system of Ogham Divination, a training manual for Druids and Filidh, a Book
of Druidic ritual and incantation. Please enter within and make yourself welcome. May the
Gods of my people safeguard us and bless us all.