(Administrator, Tower Room, Claddaugh Ring)

Deborah O'Dubhain (aka Trailstalker) is just your basic cat cuddling, cauldron stirring, "Kitchen Witch." At least, that is what she will tell you if asked to describe herself. She is the organizational force behind The Summerlands. It is her designs, if not actual artwork, which have brought many of the Summerlands sites into being. Her aim is to create balanced working between men and women both in and out of The Summerlands. Deborah has been a dancer most of her life and is working to restore the sacred dance as magickal ceremonial form. She is a writer who is currently working on several books and projects through The Summerlands.

After an initial handfasting of 'a year and a day,' Searles and Deborah were permanently joined in fine Celtic fashion on April 20, 1996. Together, they founded The Summerlands as a haven for Celts and Pagans alike.

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ODnTS.jpg (4421 bytes) Beirdd Bio
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