Book Reviews (Neo-Paganism)
- Introductory
Remarks by Jenny Gibbons
- Z
Budapest's The Holy Book of Women's Mysteries
- Faery
Wicca and Witta by Kisma Stephanovich and Edain
- Raven
Grimassi's Ways of the Strega
- Fire
in the Head by Tom Cowan
- A Classic Reading List
- Early
Modern European Witchcraft: Centres and
Peripheries edited by Bengt Ankarloo and Gustav
- "Margaret
Murray: Who Believed Her and Why?" by
Jacqueline Simpson. Folklore #105 (1994)
- Religion and the Decline of
Magic by Keith Thomas
- Riding
the Nightmare: Women and Witchcraft from the Old
World to Colonial Salem by Selma Williams and
Pamela Williams Adelman
- Satanism
and Witchcraft: A Study in Medieval Superstition
by Jules Michelet.
- The
Malleus Maleficarum
- The
Witches' Advocate: Basque Witchcraft and the
Spanish Inquisition by Gustav Henningsen
- The
Witch Hunt in Early Modern Europe by Brian Levack
- Witchcraze by Anne Llewellyn
- "Women: Witnesses and
Witches" by Clive Holmes. Past and Present
#140 (1993), pp. 45-78
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