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One of the Queen's Beasts in Heraldry, the yale is antelope- or horselike with a spotted body, boar's tusks and an elephant's tail. Its horns are unique as branching in opposite directions and reputed to be movable. The yale appeared on the arms of John, Duke of Bedford and were later adopted by Lady Margaret Beaufort, mother of King Henry VII. The arms may be seen on the Great Gate of Christ's College, Cambridge. # 161
According to Mrs. Balfour in her article 'Legends of the Cars', this was one name for the fertility spirits of the Lincolnshire Fen Country, who came from the earth and gave its increase for which they expected tribute. When neglected they became dangerous. They were also called Tidy People, or Greencoaties, and most often the Strangers. The Tiddy Mun seems to have been a benevolent member of the Yarthkins, and Yallery Brown a particularly malevolent one. # 46 - 100
Son of Nuc and a Knight of the Round Table. He fell in love with Queen Guenloie who said she would not marry him unless he brought her a knife belonging to two giants. He slew them to procure it and she married him. Elsewhere, Yder is said to have married the daughter of Guengasoain whom he and Gawain had killed to avenge Raguidel. See: BRENT KNOLL. # 30 - 156
(1865-1939) He is chiefly remembered as a great poet, but he is also central to the renaissance of Irish folklore at the end of the nineteenth century, the close associate of Douglas Hyde, Lady Wilde and Lady Gregory. His IRISH FAIRY AND FOLK TALES (1888) is a standard work, and THE CELTIC TWILIGHT (1893) made Irish traditions fashionable in England. He was himself a firm believer in fairies, and he dabbled in various forms of spiritualism, but he also took part in practical matters, was an ardent nationalist and a promoter of the arts. He was fully aware of the earthly and matter-of-fact quality of fairy tradition in the country. In the introduction to IRISH FAIRY AND FOLK TALES he says: 'Have you ever seen a fairy or such like?' I asked an old man in County Sligo. 'Amn't I annoyed with them,' was the answer. # 100 - 267 - 333 - 728 - 756 - 757
Tale of CuChulain and Connla in the Yellow Book of Lecan. # 562
See: ENID.
A legendary city of Brittany, supposed to have been submerged, due to the agency of Dahut or Ahes, the king's daughter. This Dahut may have contributed to the legend of Morgan, as the name Morgan was applied to her. According to Gallet's pedigree the King of Ys, Grallo, was related to Arthur's grandfather, Constantine. # 55 - 156
The son of Tristan and Iseult, whom a hermit had raised. In his adventures he was helped by a dwarf, Tronc, whom the fairies had given him. This dwarf later became the fairy king, Oberon. Ysaie married Martha, the daughter of King Irion. Their son was called Marc. # 156 - 198
A boar which, according to Welsh tradition, was pursued by Arthur and his hound Cabal. # 156
(i-pa-dhad'en - or - uss-path-AD-an) The chief giant (penkawr), father of Olwen. He needed forks placed under his eyelids before he could see. In origin, he is possibly a figure from Celtic mythology, analogous to Balor in Irish lore. In CULHWCH AND OLWEN he is wounded in the knee, stomach and eye by Culhwch and his companions, but cannot be killed before his daughter is married. Eventually Yspadadden was killed by Goreu. # 156 - 272 - 346 - 439 - 454 - 562
French form of Owain. See: OWAIN, and OWAIN THE BASTARD. # 156