There are several ways to travel within The Crossroads and The Summerlands. Each area will be a bit different, but there are certain things that are consistent throughout the entire website.
- The Maps: The map was the original main transportation device for the Summerlands. To use it, put your cursor/arrow/hand on the different white stone markers. The name of the site should appear at the bottom of your monitor's screen. If that is the site where you wish to go, just double click your mouse and the map will take you there. The map in The Crossroads however, will not take you to the actual sites but to the site "descriptions." (This is only recommended for people who really like graphics and have a fast machine and faster connection! It's beautiful, but it's a bear to open!!!)
- Site Map: At the Map page in The Summerlands and also at the Tapestry in the Tower Room, are text-only tables with all the main links to the Crossroads and The Summerlands sites. These tables are provided to assist you in getting around (especially those of you running with "graphics off") If a site is "blacked out," it has not yet been opened or has an area closed for rennovation. To view these member pages, please take advantage of our free month's worth of Summerlands membership by completing the Registration Form at the Crossroads.
- Previous/Next Buttons: Sometimes you will encounter small round Celtic "buttons" of either silver or gold (see below). These are usually on an area which has a list for you to click through (such as the hosts or sites and this page). They work exactly as advertised. If you click on the "Previous" button, you will go back to the previous item on the list. If you click on the "Next" button, you will continue down the list to the next item for you to read.
Case Sensitivity: By the way, the URLs are case sensitive. We've tried to always put everything in lower case. If you're having a problem with an address this might be the reason.